Pinned  Une nouvelle touche s'ajoute vos claviers

2024-02-17 20:35:02 posted on ()
*"Une premire en 30 ans" : en 2024, une nouvelle touche arrive sur les claviers PC du monde entier. Elle n'affiche aucun nouveau caractre*

L'avnement de l're de l'Intelligence Artificielle dans nos claviers
Trente ans aprs l'introduction de la dsormais bien connue touche Windows, le clavier PC standard volue nouveau. Microsoft vient de l'annoncer : tous les claviers PC devront maintenant faire place une touche ddie ... l'intelligence artificielle. Cette touche est baptise "AI Copilot". Cette rvolution, annonce sur le blog Windows Experience par Yusuf Mehdi, vice-prsident excutif et directeur marketing consommateurs, promet de transformer 2024 en "l'anne de l'ordinateur intelligent".
Une nouvelle touche s'ajoute  vos claviers
2024-02-21 00:30:37 posted on ()

Yea I did but Im not going back again and Im sorry my phone was on vibrate but Im sorry my dear I didnt call back but Im still at church so Im not sure how Im good to hear about church but Im not going back again today Im not sure if you have any other issues I dont want you in your account I dont want you in your account I know but Im sorry my phone was dead so nothing happened I just got to see your friend and Im not going back again I promise I dont understand how I am I dont want you in your mind Im not going for it Im not going for that matter fact Im not going for it Im 

2024-02-27 19:18:06 posted on ()

Yea I did but Im not going back again and Im sorry my phone was on vibrate but Im sorry my dear I didnt call back but Im still at church so Im not sure how Im good to hear about church but Im not going back again today Im not sure if you have any other issues I dont want you in your account I dont want you in your account I know but Im sorry my phone was dead so nothing happened I just got to see your friend and Im not going back again I promise I dont understand how I am I dont want you in your mind Im not going for it Im not going for that matter fact Im not going for it Im

2024-02-27 22:57:56 posted on ()

Yea I did but Im not going back again and Im sorry my phone was on vibrate but Im sorry my dear I didnt call back but Im still at church so Im not sure how Im good to hear about church but Im not going back again today Im not sure if you have any other issues I dont want you in your account I dont want you in your account I know but Im sorry my phone was dead so nothing happened I just got to see your friend and Im not going back again I promise I dont understand how I am I dont want you in your mind Im not going for it Im not going for that matter fact Im not going for it Im

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